Q#1- What you think what is the solution of Kashmir Issue?
Ans#1- Kashmir must be liberated from India by any means. May be through UN resolutions i.e plebiscite or any other form of right of self determination acceptable to Kashmiris.Never ending Jehad/ liberation war, if other options are exhausted. Pakistan nation being life line and a base for Kashmiris/issue, needs to be kept in focus and.Members of UN Security Council world community as a whole to be attracted through media and other available means. Muslim Ummah has special significance/role. Kashmiri as afirst party must be incorporated in all dialogues and negotiations on Kashmir. Pakistan must get FIRST PARTY STATUS TO KASHMIRIS IN UNO so that they are able to express their own view point and represent themselves not blidly banking on INDIA/PAKISTAN. This just a crux. Message is that options and avenues being discussed in back door diplomacy and dictations by USA and allies must not be acceptable to Kashmiris , particularly after millions of Kashmiris have already sacrificed in one form or the other! Kashmiris leadership and all other Kashmiri intellectuals, strategists and experts must play their part and it can make a real difference, in due course!
Q#2-Who played his role to make Kashmir an issue Pak or India?
ANS 2- Predominantly, Britishers are responsible for not playing an honest role followed by Indians who in connivance with Britishers invaded Kashmir. Failure on the part of Pakistani leadership at that time who failed to mobilise international community in their favor and surrendered under the pressure of USA,French and other and accepted ceasefire. India knowing fully well that lashkars from tribal areas have started arriving in Kashmir and they will be defeated, to avert that they initially submitted before international community and once ceasefire was affected, lashkars moved back, they changed their stance, backed by USA and entire west.
Q#3- was there any agreement happened b/w MR. Jinnah and Hari Singh that KAshmir should remain an independent state?
ANS3- As far as Mr Jinnah is concerned,he followed the basic principal of the division of sub continent i.e majority population. Harisingh was never sincere with Kashmir/Kashmiris. He was paid heavily by India and also tipped by Britishers, he played the same role. Therefore, anticipating that there was a breach of agreement by Pakistan or Mr Jinnah is far fetched. 4. Past is past and who did what is of no consequence. We need to focus our time and energies to multiply our efforts by all possible means . Our main thrust must be to make India suffer economically,politically, diplomatically and militarily so that its occupation of Kashmir become enviable and untenable ! Major role has to be played by Kashmiris as hither to fore !!! This is my humble opinion and only a tip of an iceberg ! I hope it is of some consequence to you and other readers?!
Q#4- What is Kashmir council? Tell something about it? Role of chief secretary, Additional secretary etc in AJK?
ANS 4- AJK Constitution 1974 is a broad brush and needs much to be desired. Its implications are harmful and misleading. Kashmir Council , CS, IGP and other lent officers in AK are the by product of that. These are not balanced arrangement but can not be altered unless constitution is amended/changed. But need of the day is that state of AJK must have its own senior officials so that they are adequately trained and given opportunity to reach highest position in their career which they certainly deserve! 5. Kashmir Council is a super imposed arrangement to keep full control on AJK, administratively, politically and financially. Whereas AJK needs an autonomous status and full control on political, financial and administrative matters. Denying these rights to AJK is likely to invite repercussions from young generation and needs to be guarded against well in time. Waheed Hayat, you have taken my view point and ideas, please give this a wide publicity and let others give their views so that we are able to reach at some favorable conclusion? Thanks and bye
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